This directive is used to specify the rendering order of elements inside of a ViewSequence-based component, such as @link faScrollView faScrollView} or @link faGridLayout faGridLayout}. As a special case, when elements are added to these controls using ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the $index property exposed by ng-repeat. When adding elements manually (e.g. to a faScrollView but not using ng-repeat) or in a case where custom order is desired, then the index value must be assigned/overridden using the faIndex directive.
<fa-surface fa-index="0">Surface 1</fa-surface>
<fa-surface fa-index="1">Surface 2</fa-surface>
determines the order of which the surfaces appear in the sequential view.
In this example below, a Scroll View is created with two nested fa-view
's, both of which have an fa-index
of 0 and 1, respectively.
If fa-index
is declared explicitly, it will override any default order of fa-view
's declared in html.
If fa-views
are created with an ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the $index property, unless explicitly set.
The fa-view
with the blue background color appears after the one with the red background because its fa-index
is set to 1.
accepts another directive called fa-start-index
as an attribute, which determines which fa-view
the Scroll View displays by default.
will not affect the sequential order of the layout; the fa-view
with the red background will be layed out first, followed by the one with the blue background.
By setting fa-start-index
to 1, the Scroll View will display the View with the index of 1, which is the View with the blue background color.
<fa-app ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<!-- The scroll View will start at the index of 1 -->
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollView" fa-start-index="1">
<!-- Even though this view is declared first in html, it will will be layed out 2nd -->
<!-- On page load, the scroll View will scroll to this view, and display it. -->
<fa-view fa-index="1">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
<p>Scroll me back!</p>
<fa-view fa-index="0">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[320, 320]">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
<p>Scroll me!</p>
angular.module('faIndexExampleApp', ['famous.angular'])
.controller('IndexCtrl', ['$scope', '$famous', function($scope, $famous) {
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
$scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
$scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
$scope.options = {
scrollView: {
direction: 0 // displays the fa-views horizontally
fa-app {
width: 320px;
height: 320px;
overflow: hidden;
p {
padding: 8px 8px;