This directive allows you to specify a famo.us Scrollview that will lay out a collection of renderables sequentially in the specified direction and will allow you to scroll through them with mousewheel or touch events.
<!-- content -->
Scroll View + Events + ng-repeat
In the example below, fa-scroll-view
displays a collection of nested fa-views
generated by ng-repeat.
In Famous, events are not propagated from these nested fa-view
's to its parent fa-scroll-view
When a nested View needs to trigger higher-order app behavior within another View (such as a Scroll View), the best practice is to pass data via Famous Events.
To use a Scroll View, create an instance of a Famous Event Handler on the scope. Within each ng-repeated fa-view
are nested fa-surface
s. Pipe all Surface events to the event handler using fa-pipe-to
, and then specify that the Scroll View will receive events from that specific event handler using fa-pipe-from
Input events (like click or mousewheel) are captured on Surfaces, and piping must be used to specify where the events will broadcast and be received.
This will enable scrolling by connecting input events from the fa-surface
s to the fa-scroll-view
, otherwise the Scroll View will not receive mousewheel events.
<fa-app ng-controller="ScrollCtrl">
<!-- fa-scroll-view receives all events from $scope.myEventHandler, and decides how to handle them -->
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="myEventHandler">
<fa-view ng-repeat="view in views">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 160]">
<!-- All events on fa-surfaces (click, mousewheel) are piped to $scope.myEventHandler -->
<fa-surface fa-background-color="view.color"
angular.module('faScrollViewExampleApp', ['famous.angular'])
.controller('ScrollCtrl', ['$scope', '$famous', function($scope, $famous) {
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
$scope.views = [{color: 'red'}, {color: 'blue'}, {color: 'green'}, {color: 'yellow'}, {color: 'orange'}];
$scope.myEventHandler = new EventHandler();
fa-app {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
To specify (optional) configurable options for the Scroll View, bind an object on the scope to the fa-options
attribute on fa-scroll-view
Notable options include clipSize
, which specifies the size of the area in pixels to display content in, and direction
, which specifies whether the nested views will scroll horizontally or vertically (1 is vertical, 0 is horizontal).
A full list of configurable options for Scroll View may be found at /docs/0.2.0/views/Scrollview/.
<fa-app ng-controller="ScrollCtrl">
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="myEventHandler" fa-options="options.myScrollView">
<fa-view ng-repeat="view in list">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[500, 320]">
<fa-surface fa-background-color="view.color"
angular.module('faScrollViewExampleApp', ['famous.angular'])
.controller('ScrollCtrl', ['$scope', '$famous', function($scope, $famous) {
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
$scope.myEventHandler = new EventHandler();
$scope.list = [{content: "Scroll", color: "red"}, {content: "horizontally", color: "blue"}, {content: "yay!", color: "green"}, {content: "woo!", color: "yellow"}];
$scope.options = {
myScrollView: {
clipSize: 100,
paginated: false,
speedLimit: 5,
direction: 0,
fa-app {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
Scroll View with explicitly created views
determines the order of which the surfaces appear in the sequential view.
In this example below, a Scroll View is created with two nested fa-view
's, both of which have an fa-index
of 0 and 1, respectively.
If fa-index
is declared explicitly, it will override any default order of fa-view
's declared in html.
If fa-views
are created with an ng-repeat, they are automatically assigned the $index property, unless explicitly set.
The fa-view
with the blue background color appears after the one with the red background because its fa-index
is set to 1.
accepts another attribute called fa-start-index
, which determines which fa-view
the Scroll View displays by default.
will not affect the sequential order of the layout; the fa-view
with the red background will be layed out first, followed by the one with the blue background.
By setting fa-start-index
to 1, the Scroll View will display the View with the index of 1 by default, "starting" at the index of 1, which is the View with the blue background color.
<fa-app ng-controller="ScrollCtrl" style="width: 100%; height: 320px; overflow: hidden;">
<!-- The scroll View will start at the index of 1 -->
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewTwo" fa-start-index="1">
<!-- Even though this view is declared first in html, it will will be layed out 2nd -->
<!-- On page load, the scroll View will scroll to this view, and display it. -->
<fa-view fa-index="1">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 320]">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
I am first in html, but displayed second!
<fa-view fa-index="0">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[undefined, 320]">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
I am second in html, but displayed first! Scroll horizontally!
angular.module('faScrollViewExampleApp', ['famous.angular'])
.controller('ScrollCtrl', ['$scope', '$famous', function($scope, $famous) {
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
$scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
$scope.list = [{content: "famous"}, {content: "angular"}, {content: "rocks!"}];
$scope.options = {
scrollViewTwo: {
direction: 0,
paginated: true
Combining multiple Scroll Views
Combining both approaches above (a Scroll View with ng-repeated views, and one with explicitly created views), one can can nest a Scroll View within another Scroll View. A Scroll View is a Famous widget that displays a collection of views sequentially; it is agnostic about the Views that are inside of it; it only requires that events are piped from Surfaces to the ScrollView.
In the example below, the outer Scroll View contains two explictly created Views. One of those Views contains another Scroll View with sub-views created through an ngRepeat.
The outer Scroll View is passed an option for its direction
to be horizontal (0)
, and the inner Scroll View is passed an option for a vertical direction (1)
<fa-app ng-controller="ScrollCtrl" style="width: 100%; height: 568px;">
<!-- outer scroll view that scrolls horizontally between "main" view and "sidebar" view-->
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewOuter">
<!-- sidebar view -->
<fa-view fa-index="0">
<fa-modifier fa-size="[200, undefined]" id="sideBarMod">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
fa-size="[undefined, undefined]">
Sidebar (scroll horizontally to hide)
<!-- main view -->
<fa-view fa-index="1">
<!-- inner scroll view that scrolls vertically-->
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler" fa-options="options.scrollViewInner">
<fa-view ng-repeat="item in list">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler"
fa-size="[undefined, 200]"
angular.module('faScrollViewExampleApp', ['famous.angular'])
.controller('ScrollCtrl', ['$scope', '$famous', function($scope, $famous) {
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
$scope.eventHandler = new EventHandler();
$scope.list = [{
content: "Awesome content"
content: "Scroll vertically to see more awesome content"
content: "Famo.us/angular rocks!"
$scope.options = {
scrollViewOuter: {
direction: 0,
paginated: true
scrollViewInner :{
direction: 1